health care

Black Seed for Muscular Pain

Black seeds that we also know scientifically as Nigella sativa are known for centuries as the natural cure of all sorts of diseases afflicting mankind.It has been blessed by nature with the exceptional qualities that make these seeds multipurpose.From the Eastern side of the world, Black seeds have made their mark as an extraordinary remedy for all sorts of health issues. It has been popular as a spice but innumerable researches have revealed the benefits of Nigella sativa for the overall well being of a human body.

Researchers from the East and the West have made countless endeavors find out the unique ways in which black seeds power up the human body.These are not just the theories to be followed. They are backed by many practical examples in which patients have recovered effectively from their ailments only by using these magic seeds. This series of researches is still going on and one of their popular facets is the investigation of black seeds benefits for Muscular Pain.

Although the black seeds and their oil have the goodness that can make any disease vanish within few days or weeks, but here we will focus on their benefits targeted at the cure of Muscular Pain in particular. Muscular pain is not restricted to the pangs that are experienced in the limbs but the muscles forming the organs can also face fatigue and ultimately pain that can lead to severe health risks. All these conditions can find their cure in the regular use of black seeds and their derivatives.

Following are the categories in which Black seeds act for curing various kinds of Muscular Pain:

Muscles supporting the Back


Our back houses our spinal cord that is the main supportive pillar of our body. Its erectness and strength are highly pivotal for maintaining a healthy body posture. This support is made up of bones and muscles that coordinate with each other to keep the body movements balanced.A slight pain or stiffness in these muscles can make the back weak and can lead to the bone deformation in the long run. For such pains, black seed oil should be massaged regularly on the painful areas on the back. This practice should be repeated every night before sleeping.Along with that, a mixture of honey and black seed oil incorporated in the diet will strengthen the muscles from inside.

Muscles forming the Organs

Organs inside the body might be serving as one unit in their own capacity but each one of them is composed of an intricate network of muscles that coordinate in a rhythmic manner for keeping the organ working smoothly. For example, the health of cardiac muscles is very crucial for the overall working of the heart. Taking in Aloe Vera or Honey with black seed oil is very beneficial for keeping the organ muscles active and healthy.

Muscles at the Joints


Joint pain is a common disorder being faced at older ages. The unhealthy diet and inappropriate body postures can affect joints adversely. The muscles and ligaments at the joints get rigid and wear off gradually, hence exposing the joint inside. Black seed oil, when rubbed regularly on the joints, helps prevent arthritis and other joint pains even at later stages of life.

For Backache and Rheumatic pain


Warm Black seed oil slightly and apply to the area thoroughly as you are massaging the bone, not the skin and drink half teaspoon Black seed oil for 15 days.

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